Thursday, January 17, 2013


2012 is the year probably I have read varieties of extra curriculum books than ever before, from novel stories to religious books, philosophical books to biographies of public icons. In so doing I came to realize how the world is blessed with extra potentials; I also came to realize diversities of ideas and the angles through which people do judgment of things.
I was so moved sometimes with the ideas in those books to the extent of trying to practice everything I read in practical life,(copy n paste) however letter on I came to release that, The ideas/stories discussed by authors remain as a corner storm for me to start pondering  and critically analyzes  what to do and act  accordingly. And that probably defines effective readings.
Reading books without having time to digest the ideas u have read to your own opinion is useless, and even fatal. It’s fatal because it kills your own potentials and become slave of someone’s mind.

Of  the all  books in the long list of books I have read in 2012, 48 laws of power by Robert Greene remain as no. 1 book that I disagree with most author’s ideas he discussed in his 195 pages’ book. To me Robert preaches on dishonesty, deceit, cynical and hypocrites, he emphasizes on power at any cost, at expenses of traumatizing others. Although he didn’t mentions, my reservations takes me to think even taking someone’s breath, is one of his way he would advocate, To my opinion if the world could buy his ideas  to practical life, the world could be more than hell…
Here is his no.1 law of power…..

Never outshine the master
Always make those above u feels comfortably your desire to please and impress them,do not go far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite-inspire fear and insecurity. Makes your master appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power

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