Tuesday, March 26, 2013


2years ago, my “social network”friend wrote a letter to “Sir” and his fellow countrymen. I can see the letter is even more relevant today than ever…A must read masterpiece…enjoy it

THE LETTER-my meditation for my country and my countrymen.

Sir.,the current politico-economy trend in our very country is tense and uncertain.,as we are all aware of the aftermath of the trend and very aware that for the government to run smoothly and steadly.,some people’s mind should forget relaxing and meditating consistently.,even there bodies should be imprisoned from luxuries for all along untill the situation has been stabilised as once it had. At this particular time the minds of potential people in the country are occupied not exactly with this tense situation at hand but by the joyous of wealth and power. We, me and my peer generation have expectations and dreams to be realized in later days, but the situation jeopardize our life and our later living wayz,
yes we wish to inherit the country and all within,the culture, welfare and values.,but we are ready in condition that you handle to us the country in peace not in pieces.,as the things seems to derail and before things fall apart.,we take initiative to meditate, search, explore and dig the core and fundamental gear that will take us into safe, secure and unbumped road towards our success and progress.
We have gone all ways along on attempt to find a PERFECT solution without any achievement and still we are looking for it but surely sir., we can’t go no more without your help.,perhaps you help us to step further more,that we can lift our foot forward.,only by then we will become conscious of our real quest and its adventureous..,untill then we will have no one who we can rely in exception of your sincere decisions, your rationality and our own outstanding....!

We.,youth.,the contemporary workforce of this NATION, inside our mind is full of despair, fear.,disrupted dreams and total thug experiences. The overwhelming response of this peer group of mine over their very situation made it clear that their mind had come to embody all the contradictions, confusion and self-contradictory effect that have grown up around us.
Absolutely..,we are committed citizen of this nation and we wish only the best upon it. Hear us Sir.,what we experience is not just mere experience as your peer define it.,that means they should re-direct their thinking ways and the way they perceive our expression of our experiences..,do not define us that we demand supremacy but surely we try to live our life out of this rage.,we demand only to perpetuate our survival in better way sir.,it’s never extra-ordinary approaches towards realization of our pre-settled objectives..,but your response seems to denie and defranchise our every move as its likely to confront your older and failed tactics. WE ARE YOUNG AND OUR WAYS REFLECT THAT..,OUR WAYS SEEMS RECKLESS., FAST AND VULNERABLE BUT WE TRUST IT AND YOU GET TO TRUST US TOO. But you Sir claims that youth does not care.,youth are incompetent..,youth does not grow enough to see things and understand it..,you say.,when we entrust youth everything will go haywire. It’s not like that always Sir..,

Once awhile.,we were convinced.,taken and aboded in ur chain of thoughts that demand OUR POWER and our full support to achieve your quest and desire that you take us into bloodshed and collateral death., you blend us with names to motivate us and blind us..,you take us to our doom and yet u call it neccessary sacrifices..,i’m sure u can’t negate that the death was never triumphant.,there is nothing more tragic than a life cut short-one that has not been allowed to bloom to its fullest potential.,we don’t want this to happen anymore..,IF WE REALLY SAY POLITICS IS AN ARTISTIC.,THEN WE GOT TO BE MORE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR VERY ACTS..,IF YOU SEE SOMEBODY DYING BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAYING, IT DON’T MATTER THAT YOU DIDN’T MAKE HIM DIE.,IT JUST MATTERS THAT YOU DIDN’T SAVE HIM.,help us to grow big enough to stand by ourselves.., DO NOT TAKE US TO THE DOOM...!

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