Friday, September 14, 2012



A five letters word, whose subject is hardly clear, and almost impossible to touch the subject in coherent way, merely contemporary. The subject itself has been debatable in both philosophical and religious point of view for years. Truth is a reality, fact, fidelity. There is gigantic difference between truth and belief, some folks use these terms transposable, but the latter is subjected to relativity, while the former does not. Truth is truth.
Belief is optional, obsession and sometimes emotional, but truth doesn’t relies on facts, evidence and rationality.
Truth is the life style, which involves both quality of faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, sincerity, and veracity. Its life style which has proven to be most unfeasible one, its horrid task to practice. For other folks truth is missing vocabulary in their life.
Truthful person, tells truth unconditionally, it doesn’t matter either ruin his reputations or heave his status. Its reflex .its lifestyle.

Truth victimizes, resent, deform, devalue, and sometimes fail even to the one telling or to his/her allies or public figure. As the deepest urge in human nature is desire to be important, and human being always craving to be appreciated. These desires are easily gained by lying, blackmailing, malice, misleads, on the other hand it seems tough to attain through being honest and truthful. To my opinion the former is subjected to pseudo status, never last -easy come, easy go.
As to truth, deceitful has same upshot, it victimize, resent, deform, and even takes lives. But in this case deceiving doesn’t cost the one telling it, it does to third part. So Truth and lying shares same similarities, thus separated by narrow margin, should the one cross or swing in the line, according to circumstances, should we balance lie and truth? - I remain skeptical.
Does it worth to tell a passer-by,   “I saw your girl friend with another dude last night” or telling the assassin the details to his stratagem?  It’s futile. Thus truth without wisdom is more like an empty set. The two variables must be equated and solved simultaneously, truth and wisdom are synergies.
Let me hypotheses; truth is the inborn character, genetically constituted in some one’s genes, its  nature to tell the truth, children are entitled to truth, its  reflex to them, they never lies.  That’s why judicial system adopts the testimony given by children.
Wisdom is inborn as well as acquired traits, it’s through this second parameter the one can decide his/her lifestyle-truthfully, deceitfully life style or balance of the two.

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